[Xen-users] xen 3.2.0.... new installation all over again ... still noth
i'm sorry to bother you again, but i've tried to get the xen 3.2.0 running
with no luck for days now :(
i've tried with different machines, different OS, debian and ubuntu, but
nothing seems to work.
Could you please prepare a how-to to build xen 3.2.0? i mean.... how did you
manage to do it? are you using debian? which version?
did you use tarball? mercurial?
you can read all i've tried from the mailing list, and nothing worked.
but here you go the last attempt from debian etch, which seemed to work, but
vm won't work anyway..
cd /usr/src/
11 wget
12 tar xzvf xen-3.2.0.tar.gz
13 cd /usr/src/xen-3.2.0
15 apt-get install mercurial
16 cd ..
17 hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/linux-2.6.18-xen.hg
18 cd xen-3.2.0
34 apt-get install screen ssh debootstrap python python-twisted iproute
bridge-utils libcurl3-dev libssl0.9.7 iproute bridge-utils binutils
zlib1g-dev python-dev transfig bzip2 libncurses5-dev x-dev build-essential
35 apt-get install gawk
36 make prep-kernels
39 cp /boot/config-2.6.18-6-amd64 build-linux-2.6.18-xen_x86_64/.config
40 make dist
42 cd /usr/src/xen-3.2.0/dist
43 ./install.sh
44 mv /lib/tls /lib/tls.disabled
cd ..
make XEN_TARGET_X86_PAE=y world
make XEN_TARGET_X86_PAE=y install
45 update-rc.d xend defaults 20 21
46 update-rc.d xendomains defaults 21 20
47 depmod
48 apt-get install yaird
49 mkinitrd.yaird -o /boot/initrd.img-
50 update-grub
51 ee /boot/grub/menu.lst
52 reboot
This last attempt actually installs smoothly, but then, when it boots, i
face this problem:
It gets here...
XEN) Xen trace buffers: disabled
(XEN) Xen is relinquishing VGA console.
And then it just reboots.
Actually, when i do "update-grub" while installing, it doesn't add the xen
entry in the menu.lst. I added manually and then i get that error.
Thanks for you time and patience.
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