Re: [Xen-users] pciback.hide works great for video, but not usb contolle
On Feb 7, 2008 12:58 PM, Paul Waldo <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thursday 07 February 2008 11:20:08 am Todd Deshane wrote:
> > Did you try adding pciback.permissive to the above dom0 kernel line?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Todd
> Thanks for the suggestion, Todd. I'll give this a try when I have physical
> access to the machine.
> Two more questions :-)
> 1. Is this documented anywhere? I don't see anything in the Xen docs and
> google only shows questions replies similar to your answer. Great if you
> already know the answer... :-)
To some extend this now seems to be documented in the Xen user manual [1]
The pciback.permissive option may be being deprecated. I learned about
it because we are currently working on a book called Running Xen: A
Hands-on Guide to the Art of Virtualization that is now in safari
rough cuts.
There are a lot of little things that are not well documented still so
we have been working hard to get it all in one spot and keep up to
date on changes. You may find some good resources at
> 2. Do I need to report these devices to the devel mailing list, like the
> message suggests?
I don't see the message that suggests this. Maybe I am missing
something. If it says to, then generally it is hitting a case the the
developers want you to report. It is possible that it has been fixed
already, so give them version numbers and if you can try newer
versions to see if the problem still exists that is a good idea too.
My advice in general is that anytime you write to a devel list make
sure you have your facts straight, provide the necessary information,
clearly state things and also be willing to answer follow up
questions. I have noticed that the xen-users and xen-devel list are
very responsive to most questions, even to things that seem obvious or
are discussed frequently. That being said, the community is only as
strong as its user and if you are able to do some groundwork yourself
first, you are more likely to get better answers from other users and
even developers.
> Thanks!
> Paul
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