Re: [Xen-users] Re: Choosing O/S for dom0 host with xen 3.2 - best optio
if you have installed the libvirt stuff can you install the xensource-compiled
tarballs over the top ? i see from the xen website though they only do i386
versions :(
--[ UxBoD ]--
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----- "Steven Timm" <timm@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Centos 5.1 is dependent on their Upstream Vendor (the big vendor with
> the red hat) for whatever Xen or kernels they did. According to
> what I can find in those release nodes, they did their usual pattern
> of trying to shoehorn most but not all of the xen 3.1 patches
> into the distro and still call it xen 3.0.3. The one notable
> difference between this and the real xen 3.1 that I've found so
> far is that according to the release notes, 32-bit PAE domU
> on 64-bit dom0 is a "technology preview" --not supported feature
> and I can testify that it doesn't work if you want to do any sort of
> I/O at all. I went back to the xensource-compiled tarballs.
> Steve Timm
> On Mon, 4 Feb 2008, xensource.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
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