RE: [Xen-users] New binary release of GPL PV drivers for Windows
Thanks for the feedback. I have just a few moments ago release another
binary too, but it is mostly to fix a problem under XP.
> I disabled console and vfb driver, as every reboot states "New
> found,
> which can be used after reboot" ... this message keeps up after every
> reboot.
> This might have to do with the fact, that this domU doesn't have vnc
> sdl
> by default?
The XenPCI driver just blindly creates pdo's (think of a pdo as
something you attach another driver to) for all the devices marked as
present for that domain. Console and vfb are there but I don't really
know what to do with them.
The release I just did has dummy drivers for console and vfb, so at
least you can make the warning go away without having to disable them.
> Additionally, as well as the former Realtek NIC's disappeared, the
> NIC's
> need different configurations as Windows says "TCP/IP settings are
> identical
> on..." and doesn't accept the settings. I think this is only a weired
> Windows
> behaviour.
Yes. It is. Windows remembers that it has another adapter (even though
it isn't currently 'plugged in') and warns you about that. Ignoring the
warning is the sanest thing to do as you may still want to boot without
/gplpv and have a working network.
> The original Qemu Disk and Qemu CDROM Devices are available to the new
> XenPV
> Disk and CDROM Devices. Where the Qemu CDROM can be disabled, is there
> way to switch over the boot device to the XenPV Disk ?
Xenhide is supposed to do this. In fact if you have qemu and xenpv disks
then you are in very serious danger of completely killing your
filesystem! I think I know what might be happening... I think the latest
version of xen doesn't give the pciide device a special subsys setting.
I'll fix it and put another release up in a minute.
> If someone knows a Windows Benchmarking Suite, I'll do real tests. I
> my
> recent tests are not comparable to any value, but I'm a little bit
> handycapped
> on windows ;)
Let me know of the results, but I'd be inclined to do an 'xm destroy' on
that domain right now and wait a few minutes until I put up a fix.
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