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Re: [Xen-users] ideal xen setup?


On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, Todd Deshane wrote:

On Jan 24, 2008 8:37 AM, Tom Horsley <tom.horsley@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Various linux distros come with xen supported after a fashion
with xen patches developed for one kernel hacked into the
kernel they want to use (with varying degrees of success :-).

We've been using xen for a while at work to try and provide
development and testing platforms for a slew of different
linux distros to check out our software under lots of
different conditions.

The experience has been educational, but I can't say it has ever
provided a really satisfactory set of nice stable virtual

If you could go with any distro for a DomU and tweak it in any
way you like, what would be your idea setup for hosting
virtual machines?
My opinion that only way to go is Debian.
2.6.18 stretch more then most people could ever imagine.

You could use 'debootstrap' for .deb based distros or was it 'rpmstrap' or something to build .rpm based distros.
And if your hardware support you can install much more with HVM.
(and maybe after install move it to paravirt environment...)

I think it really depends on what you want to use it for. Also, I think that
people will have different biases and experiences.
That's true.
'Best Setup' depends so much what you are tying to accomplish.

I think personally that if you are just doing server stuff only, debian or
ubuntu both have good package support and also very good package and also
install from source HOWTOs. If you want cutting edge package support (with
some breakage expected) I would recommend Fedora.

Best overall supported, but without latest Linux kernel, is of course from
source (or a binary release) using the XEN 2.6.18 kernel (or the one that is
currently directly supported by the Xen Source software group) from xen.org.

Things will get much better once all domU support has been merged into the
mainline Linux kernel. Has anyone heard about a serious push on paravirt_ops
and the like from any of the major players (RedHat, Novell, IBM, Citrix,
etc.) that would get full domU Xen support? I know Jeremy called for it at
the last Xen summit, I wonder if companies are taking action?
This is something what i can't understunt.
What's the point to get support for DomU if you can't run Dom0? :)

Im just asking cos I have Quad-Core with ICH9 based motherboard and that setup is newer going to work stable with 2.6.18....
My life would be so much easier if Xen could be ported to mainline and 
would be 'only way' to run Linux :)
My desktop setup now has 2.6.18-xen and all nice 3D-shit including Compiz 
and it's working like charm :)
So I can 'boot up' pretty much anykind of testing environment i ever 
wanted and that's is pretty much all I need at home and work.

I would like to hear what others recommend too.

Best Regards,

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