[Xen-users] Re: [Xen-devel] Re: domUloader Vs pygrub
jd wrote:
> fwding to xendevel for comments.
Removing xen-devel as xen-users is more appropriate. However I don't
monitor xen-users so please cc if further enqueries.
> Basically, I have some vm_templates with pygrub that
> work, but with domUloader for each image, one has to
> find out the kernel/ramdisk from domU and provide this
> in the vm config file.
> What is a good way to do this ?
1. Edit bootargs entry in domU config, providing kernel/ramdisk. If you
don't know the paths, use lomount to mount the image and poke around.
2. Use vm-install and select "I have a disk or disk image with an
installed operating system" and let it create the config for you.
> (scanning disks, partitions, mounting them, and then
> search for kernel. .. isnt this what the loader is
> supposed to do ?)
Yes :-). I would like to start using pygrub in SLES11. I was not with
the project when domUloader was born but I think it was originally
written to support Netware - which does not have grub. At the time,
I've heard there were many problems getting pygrub to work on
libreiserfs (reiser is default filesystem in SLES10) so domUloader was
used for grub-based systems as well. If the default fs becomes ext3 (or
something other than reiser) in SLES11 then that will be a great
opportunity to switch to pygrup and reserve domUloader for reiser-based
domU's, Netware, and other 'grubless' systems.
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