[Xen-users] "'Invalid kernel', 'xc_dom_find_loader: no loader found\n" w
Hello Mark,
you've been absolutely right. If I do
boot the newly created 2.6.23-rc8 kernel I see in the early stages an message
stating: [Linux-bzImage]
So, it looks like i'am trying to boot
an bzImage linux kernel.
At my linux-source directory, I've found
one big vmlinux (45 MB). But this file also gives me the same error message.
If i do issue the following command,
i do get the following (I've now switched to 2.6.23-rc9):
debian:/home/linux-2.6.23-rc9# objdump
-j __xen_guest -s ./vmlinux
./vmlinux: file format
With my 2.6.18 (default DomU) i do get
the following output:
debian:/home/xen-3.1# objdump -j __xen_guest
-s ./build-linux-2.6.18-xen_x86_32/vmlinux
file format elf32-i386
Contents of section __xen_guest:
0000 47554553 545f4f53 3d6c696e
75782c47 GUEST_OS=linux,G
0010 55455354 5f564552 3d322e36
2c58454e UEST_VER=2.6,XEN
0020 5f564552 3d78656e 2d332e30
2c564952 _VER=xen-3.0,VIR
0030 545f4241 53453d30 78433030
30303030 T_BASE=0xC000000
0040 302c454c 465f5041 4444525f
4f464653 0,ELF_PADDR_OFFS
0050 45543d30 78433030 30303030
302c5649 ET=0xC0000000,VI
0060 52545f45 4e545259 3d307843
30313030 RT_ENTRY=0xC0100
0070 3030302c 48595045 5243414c
4c5f5041 000,HYPERCALL_PA
0080 47453d30 78313031 2c464541
54555245 GE=0x101,FEATURE
0090 533d7772 69746162 6c655f70
6167655f S=writable_page_
00a0 7461626c 65737c77 72697461
626c655f tables|writable_
00b0 64657363 72697074 6f725f74
61626c65 descriptor_table
00c0 737c6175 746f5f74 72616e73
6c617465 s|auto_translate
00d0 645f7068 79736d61 707c7061
655f7067 d_physmap|pae_pg
00e0 6469725f 61626f76 655f3467
627c7375 dir_above_4gb|su
00f0 70657276 69736f72 5f6d6f64
655f6b65 pervisor_mode_ke
0100 726e656c 2c504145 3d796573
5b657874 rnel,PAE=yes[ext
0110 656e6465 642d6372 335d2c4c
4f414445 ended-cr3],LOADE
0120 523d6765 6e657269 6300
>>What version of Xen are you
I've installed the latest xen form testing.
Until now: 3.1.1-rc3
Xen-tools: 3.8
>>Can you stick the kernel online
>>somewhere so others can have
a go at booting it on their systems?
Currently, I've got no webpage active.
So I've packaged the created kernel here:
So, at this time I think the build process
from vanilla kernel isn't doing the right thing.
Description: Zip archive
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