Re: [Xen-users] Upgrading fedora domUs
why you don´t go to fedora 7 ?
fc4 is too old
Itamar Reis Peixoto
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Nico Kadel-Garcia" <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Mark Williamson" <mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "John A. Sullivan III" <jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 3:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Upgrading fedora domUs
Mark Williamson wrote:
Hello, all. I know the real answer is to throw out the old systems :)
but we have some old systems still running on Xen 2.0.7 with Fedora Core
3. We have a need to upgrade some of these. Xen was installed from
source as we did need to customize the kernel.
How does one do this? In fact, how does one upgrade domUs in general?
In our test lab, I attempted to upgrade an FC3 domU to FC4 via yum. The
upgrade eventually succeeded but the domU now crashes on boot with these
nasty messages:
Fedora generally recommend against upgrading directly using Yum. Do you
have the domUs installed on separate partitions? If so, you could boot
the entire box using the FC4 installer CD and tell it to upgrade each
domU to FC4. Rebooting into Anaconda is the recommended way, AFAIK.
Or copy the FC3 to a separate location, and do the upgrades in a chroot
there for testing?
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