Re: [Xen-users] Problems Installing W2K3
Julien Garet a écrit :
I am trying to setup an hvm domU to install W2K3 on it. I have
troubles with disks.
I am using a file back-end, I have build my disk image with dd
if=/dev/zero of=myimg.img bs=1k seek=10240k count=1.
In my config I had first set up my drives with something like :
disk :
Windows Installer has come and told me he wasn't able to find any disk
(after a long, long, long time...)
so i tried using the tap:aio file-backed method, without any more
What was better was setting my disks as scsi disks with file: backend
(ioemu:sda), installer went well (and fast) and allowed me to install
my system on the disk... but I was a little disapointed when seeing I
could not boot from and scsi disk with the bootloader.
Anyone has an idea on why it fails ? Just for info, I have a Dell 1950
as hardware with raid5.
In fact, i've succeeded in setting up my Windows HVM, with putting a
dummy small disque, emulated with scsi and my main install disk
emulating ide. so my disks config line is something like that :
disk = [ 'file:/path/to/c_disk.img,ioemu:hda,w',
I think that using this was aware of the driver to use for both disks
(thanks to the scsi one).
So, now it works, but, has anyone experienced this setting up Win2k3 ? I
am alone with that strange problem ?
Julien Garet
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