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Re: [Xen-users] Solaris 10 HVM DomU

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Solaris 10 HVM DomU
From: Adam Seering <aseering@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 12:48:01 -0400
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Hi all,

On May 8, 2007, at 3:17 PM, Steve Brueckner wrote:
Well, to start with you could export the guest's framebuffer over
VNC.  Once you've figured out getting the console on the serial port,
you should be able to just use xm console to log in.
I've been trying to get the framebuffer approach to work, with limited
success. I can get the domU's grub window to pop up, but once it starts
to boot Solaris the console turns black and freezes.
On Feb 3, 2007, at 4:01 AM, mfz_me@xxxxxx wrote:

is there a way to get solaris running in a full virt domain?

I' ve tried an cdimage-base installation of solaris 10 06/06 and 11/06. After choosing the 1st entry of the grubmenu, a line of dots is shown (kernel load?)
Thats all.
These two appear to be the same problem or similar problems; in any  
case, assuming they are the same, I'm hitting it.  I'm trying to  
install Solaris 10; I see a grub boot screen, then the line of dots  
mentioned in the second e-mail appears briefly, then the screen goes  
black with just a text cursor in the upper left corner of the  
screen.  "xm top" indicates 100% CPU usage.  Has anyone hit this  
problem, and found a workaround for it?
People have suggested installing in qemu and then booting that  
install in Xen.  Has anyone hit this problem, installed with qemu,  
and then successfully booted the installed OS in Xen?
I've encountered similar problems on other OS'es, also trying to  
install them as HVM (Darwin, NetBSD, SUSE, I think a few more), where  
the install CD freezes very early in the boot process.  I'm currently  
running several Windows VM's, though, so I know my setup can do HVM.   
Any thoughts?

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