Re: Fwd: [Xen-users] OpenLDAP Problem
Omer Khalid wrote:
We can not straight away migrate to RHEL5 and the problem we are
facing is actually of very urgent nature.
My understanding is that the source of the problem lies in
paravirtualization where dom0 and domU kernel have to be patched. Does
Xen provides another product which could deploy domU's with out kernel
modification? Can Xen Server do that?
It's not an issue I've encountered: I'm not using LDAP in my current
workplace. But there are certainly more up-to-date kernels from
Xensource available for DomU's. Can you use an RHEL 5 Dom0? I'm finding
RHEL 5 Dom0's a good base on which to apply RHEL 4.5 and 5.0 guest
domains, and a lot easier to support than RHEL 4 was as a Dom0.
I do use the Xensource free kernel on my RHEL 4.5 DomU, for network
behavior reasons.
One possibility would be that we try out VMWare's on-th-fly
bit-translation products but I would like exhaust all the options with
Xen before to move in that direction.
It would be great if some of the Xen people on the list could help us
of how to fix this problem.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Nico Kadel-Garcia* <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Jul 13, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] OpenLDAP Problem
To: Omer Khalid <Omer.Khalid@xxxxxxx <mailto:Omer.Khalid@xxxxxxx>>
Cc: "xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Omer Khalid wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a problem OpenLDAP-2.2.13-7.4E. I am running RHEL4 with Xen
> The slapadd command fails with the following error:
> > slapadd: could not open database.
> After doing a stack trace we found:
> > stat64("/opt/bdii/var/2171 /id2entry.dbb", 0xbff4fc10) = -1 ENOENT
> (No such file or directory)
> I noticed that some other people had the same problem in the past and
> I found a thread here:
> http://arkiv.netbsd.se/?ml=OpenLDAP-software&a=2006-03&t=1850724
> <http://arkiv.netbsd.se/?ml=OpenLDAP-software&a=2006-03&t=1850724
> I am wondering if any one out there have a clue about how to get it
> Many thanks,
> Omer
Update to RHEL 5? Seriously. A lot of old RHEL 4 problems went away with
RHEL 5. You should be able to duplicate and update your RHEL 4 in a new
encironment relatively easily.
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