[Xen-users] XenExpress supported RHEL flavours (SLC3/4, CentOS 4, ...)
Dear all,
it seems that only pure RHEL systems are supported on XenExpress. This
is clear form FAQs, user guide, practical tests.
I definitely does not understand that.
Xen is going to be adopted by a lot of public research institutions.
CERN Linux which is in fact a RHEL, is widely used at CERN with Xen and
it is the basis for the entire European Grid, becoming widely diffused
in a lot of scientific institutions (thousands nodes).
I think it should be "smart" for Xensource.com to support "officially"
this operating system, together with CentOS, another widely known and
reliable RHEL flavor.
Could this lead to problem with Red Hat guys? Probably. (Why should I
install RHEL when I can install CentOS?)
Could this lead to a great increase of users? Sure.
I do not know who is in charge to evaluate this trade-off, but it is
clear that this policy on supported systems together with restriction on
migration from open source Xen to commercial ones, are crazy ideas, at
least from a marketing point of view :-)
How many Xen users want to migrate to xen enterprise? compared to vmware
costs... I could say "enough", but if I ask how many of them are
practically limited by technical issues the answer could be "too much".
Hope this could lead to a constructive discussion: I'm planning to build
a complete Xen infrastructure with a Xen reseller, a small perpetual
licensing of few XenEnterprise edition, but these questions are stopping
me to proceed. Hope I'm not the only one in this condition.
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