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Re: [Xen-users] Cannot start domains after FC6->F7 upgrade

To: Mark Williamson <mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Cannot start domains after FC6->F7 upgrade
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 01:56:44 +0100
Cc: Gerry Reno <greno@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Daniel P. Berrange" <berrange@xxxxxxxxxx>, xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Mark Williamson wrote:
Did you reboot with the new Xen kernel? Or did you pull your kernel or
assemble it form elsewhere?
Yes.  Standard xen kernel.  But had to use the FC6 xen kernel because
the F7 xen kernel crashes on our hardware.

My local mirror does not have FC7 yet, so I haven't been able to play
with it.
I've opened a Fedora bug:
Chiming in here; I don't have a RH bugzilla account.

The matching rules for kernel / tools / xen versions are a bit complex. The userspace tools and Xen itself must *always* be matched.
Since around 3.0.4 (I think?) it's been possible to mix and match dom0 kernel 
versions.  i.e. any dom0 kernel since 3.0.4 should run on any Xen from 3.0.4.  
Before that release the dom0 and Xen interfaces were tied together and you 
couldn't really mix and match /at all/.  Although you couldn't strictly mix 
and match, you could sometimes get dom0 to boot on Xen, but things didn't 
work properly - this may be what you're seeing, I guess.
Could you rebuild your kernel to not use libata?
Hmm. Doing a "yum update" OS update is prone to interesting issues as kernel versions switch: I've had SATA controllers switch the name of the necessary driver, and even had those ghods-awful Promise controllers switch from calling drives hda to calling them sda. (THAT caused serious swearing, because upgrading kernels meant re-writing /etc/fstab, and so did rolling the kernel back.
Gerry, can you do a CD or DVD based update operation and rebuild your 
grub.conf and corresponding modprobe.conf settings?
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