Re: [Xen-users] Building XEN with different config PROBLEM
Hi Steffen,
rm -rf xen-3.1.0-src
tar xzf xen-3.1.0-src.tgz
cd xen-3.1.0-src
mkdir -p dist/install/boot
cp ../config/$1/xen0 dist/install/boot/config-2.6.18-xen0
cp ../config/$1/xenU dist/install/boot/config-2.6.18-xenU
make KERNELS="linux-2.6-xen0 linux-2.6-xenU" dist
cd dist/
tar czf ../../dist/$1-xen3.1.tgz .
cd ../..
rm -rf xen-3.1.0-src
I've tried your script with a bogus config and got used. :) !
tar xzf xen-3.1.0.tar.tgz
cd xen-3.1.0-src
cd build-linux-2.6.18-xen0_x86_32
make menuconfig
cd ..
make linux-2.6-xen0-build
this didn't work Philip.
A couple of doubts.
tar czf ../../dist/$1-xen3.1.tgz .
creates a file in /usr/src/dist
the ./install.sh will install on my local machine, right?
But, how can I patch the kernel (at a later date) and install the changes?
I used to do
make linux-2.6-xen-config CONFIGMODE=menuconfig
make linux-2.6-xen-build
make linux-2.6-xen-install
What do you think the proceedure is now?
In your script you finish with a
rm -rf xen-3.1.0-src
If I want to patch a against the source tree I must keep the
xen-3.1.0-src directory and then do
cd /usr/src/xen-3.1.0-src/linux-2.6.18-xen
patch -p1 < patch.file
Now I must change your script like this?
make KERNELS="linux-2.6-xen0 linux-2.6-xenU" build
make KERNELS="linux-2.6-xen0 linux-2.6-xenU" install
Does that sound right?
Thanks once again,
On 6/7/07, Steffen Heil <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> tar xzf xen-3.1.0.tar.tgz
> cd xen-3.1.0-src
> cd build-linux-2.6.18-xen0_x86_32
> make menuconfig
> cd ..
> make linux-2.6-xen0-build
I didn't try that.
However the following does NOT work:
tar xzf xen-3.1.0.tar.tgz
cd xen-3.1.0-src
make linux-2.6-xen0-config mode=menuconfig
make linux-2.6-xen0-build
Even though, it DOES open configuration - just doesn't store anywhere...
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