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[Xen-users] 2.6.18 to 2.6.18-8

To: <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-users] 2.6.18 to 2.6.18-8
From: "Jason Ward" <jward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 09:27:15 -0500
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The message below mentions an earlier post about moving from 2.6.18 to
2.6.18-8.  I searched the archives and was unable to find the earlier post.
Does anyone know where I can find that post and/or the instructions on how
to change the kernel version that xen uses?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
> Dylan Martin
> Sent: 23 May 2007 17:51
> To: Xen Users
> Subject: [Xen-users] Compile Question
> Ok, this is probably a really dumb question, but how do I compile xen
> with a different kernel than the one provided with the source?  

This is not easy, so it's not a dumb question as such. 

There was a discussion a few weeks back about moving from 2.6.18 to
2.6.18-8, which you should be able to find in the archive on
www.xensource.com (under community, mailing lists, Xen Users [Archive]
or something like that). 

It explains the steps necessary to change the kernel version that Xen
uses. I doubt that a 2.6.18 -> 2.6.20 is as trivial as 2.6 .18 to ...-8
is tho', you'll probably have to do more than remove one patch and fix
one "removed" variable. 

> I've got the source tarball for xen 3.1.0 and a source tarball for
> kernel 2.6.20.  I don't see the obvious way to make the xen "make
> kernels" make invocation build me a kernel and modules for 2.6.20.
> Thanks!
> -Dylan
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