RE: [Xen-users] Upgrade Proceedure
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Tobin [mailto:itobin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 21 May 2007 15:14
> To: Petersson, Mats; Nico Kadel-Garcia
> Cc: Mike Wright; xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [Xen-users] Upgrade Proceedure
> Hi,
> well i did as you said but now the server wont boot. It says
> unable to mount root device.
> Im assuming its because it hasn't got the SCSI device driver
> loaded into the kernel so it looks like i need to do more
> than just untar /dist and running ./install.sh
Well, if you build with the DEFAULT setup, you won't get all drivers
built-in, but all (or most) of the drivers get built as modules. I find
it easier to build an initrd.
> do i need to import the config from the other source
> directory and run make arch=xen menuconfig ?
That would probably work, but beware that different versions of Xen use
different kernel versions which often mean different config files.
"arch=xen" is obsolete in recent versions of Xen (they use "subarch"
instead). Just "make menuconfig" works just fine.
> If so how would i import the existing config (if possible)
Either just copy it (after saving the original one), or use diff to
create a diff-file and use patch to incorporate the differences into the
new one. [something like "diff -c .../new/.../.config
.../original/.../.config > diffs; patch < diffs" will work, I think].
> thanks
> Ian
> ________________________________
> From: Petersson, Mats [mailto:Mats.Petersson@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tue 15/05/2007 16:40
> To: Ian Tobin; Nico Kadel-Garcia
> Cc: Mike Wright; xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [Xen-users] Upgrade Proceedure
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > [mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
> Ian Tobin
> > Sent: 15 May 2007 15:42
> > To: Petersson, Mats; Nico Kadel-Garcia
> > Cc: Mike Wright; xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: RE: [Xen-users] Upgrade Proceedure
> >
> > The question is if doing an upgrade do you actually have to
> uninstall
> > the files? I mean if its an upgrade then wouldn't just
> > untaring the dist
> > directory and running the install thing work?
> Most of the time that will be fine. I've had cases where it's not
> working (the case in particular is if you install a 64-bit on top of
> 32-bit Xen - which will be entirely broken if you do that, because it
> finds a mixture of 32-bit and 64-bit shared libraries, and
> that doesn't
> work!)
> --
> Mats
> >
> > thanks
> >
> [snip]
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