I successfully run Windows 2003 x64 on Xen 3.0.4. I used gentoo 2007.0
ditro on top on Intle Xeon processor.
Looking on your description I wander that you enable acpi and apic in the
quest configuration file. It is required if you want to use more than 1
vcpus for the quest.
The F5 solution that you describe is when you want select specific HAL.DLL
version witch is responsible for managing CPUs (as well as some other
things probably :) ). But if you give 1 vcpu and disable acpi and apic the
istaler schould use the "Standard PC" version of HAL.
The problem you describe I had when I test XEN 3.0.3 from openSuse. But in
3.0.4 the fix the APIC tables for CPU descriptions (at last for 2 vcpus).
Bartłomiej Dubas
-----Original Message-----
From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of James Harper
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 1:40 PM
To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Windows 2003 x64 under Debian amd64 - hangs on "Setup
is Starting Windows"
I'm just testing xen-3.0.4 on an amd64 machine (HP ML115), and trying an
install of windows 2003 x64. So far it just hangs at "Starting Windows",
which I assume is when the windows installation bootloader has loaded
enough drivers and is starting the windows kernel.
I've seen several other posts with the same problem, but most of them
appear to be resolved by hitting F5 and selecting "Standard PC". When I
hit F5 I only get a choice of multiprocessor or uniprocessor.
Can anyone tell me if this is a known problem with xen-3.0.4 and my
configuration, or if they have such a configuration and have it working,
or if they have a more recent version of xen and have it working?
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