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Re: [Xen-users] Soft Lock on cpu problem Still???

To: xen-users <Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Soft Lock on cpu problem Still???
From: Xin Chen <xcheney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 09:01:18 +1000
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Thanks for that!

Just wondering, isn't kernel-xen a product of XenSource? If the redhat kernel-xen is not working, can I just use the XenSource one? Is the XenSource Kernel-Xen not working in fedora, so redhat has to develop it themselves based on XenSource one. or did XenSource ask redhat to develop the kernel-xen for fedora? I just don't understand. As this bug has been fix in XenSource, right? I was thinking about not using the redhat kernel-xen, use XenSource kernel-Xen may fix the problem?? Can anyone help me clear about this? Sorry for my english..
Now I am gonna to downgrade the kernel to 2.6.19. Thank Pasi :)


Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:

On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 04:08:43PM +1000, Xin Chen wrote:
Hi All,

I have a 'Soft lock on cpu problem'. The system crushed. First, it become slow... and then not responding then need to press reset.....
I have searched it from google and it seems a bug which has alreay been 
fixed .
However, I use yum update kernel-xen xen, and got the latest one. It 
still got the problem.
My system is Fedora 6. Tha latest kernel is 2.6.20-1.2948.*fc6xen. *
My Machine is:

Quad-core CPU 1.6
Radeon Video Card
4G Memory

The system is running fine when started without xen.

I suspect that maybe the latest kernel didn't come with the bug patch?? Do I need to apply the patch myself? Is it hard to do that ??
By the way, for my guest config file, I use vcpu=1, I don't know if I 
changed to 4 will help or not?
Thanks for your help! I really need help. Please.

Fedora is shipping known-to-be-broken kernel-xen packages.. I don't why, but
they seem to unwilling to fix them. Same bug in fc6/fc6/fc7.

kernel-xen.2.6.19 works ok.. downgrade to it and it should be fine.

bug report: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=234008
-- Pasi

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