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[Xen-users] pygrub documentation

To: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] pygrub documentation
From: "Luke S. Crawford" <lsc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 23:46:37 -0700 (PDT)
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I'm in the process of writing a book about xen, based on my experiences as a consultant and as a provider of xen virtual private servers.
Anyhow, the book is targeting the intermediate Linux SysAdmin, and assumes 
no previous Xen knowledge.  We went through a "how-to" chapter tonight, 
using a CentOS5 Dom0 and an arbitrary (slackware with a XenSource kernel) 
DomU.  (next we will be trying the slack  and debian Dom0s.)
anyhow, we can get it working, but it is still largely a "black box" for 
us.  Considering our audience and the level of this book, to some extent 
that is acceptable, but certainly a bit of knowledge of what goes on in 
this black box would be useful.
Is there any available documentation for pygrub that is higher-level than 
the pygrub sources themselves?  specifically, I am wondering if pygrub 
copies the kernel to the Dom0 or if it just kexec's it within the DomU.
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