Re: [Xen-users] Anti-virus for use in para-virtualized Xen
On 4/4/07, Petersson, Mats <Mats.Petersson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > This is a serious limitation with the way the kernel is > architected -- a defined kernel interface (e.g., DDI/DKI for > both function calls and structures) and loadable > modules/drivers are not encouraged, which means that there is
> a proliferation of customized kernels out there. This really > limits the utility of the Linux kernel in a production > envronment. I myself am stuck at Core 5 for my (production) > laptop since I'm worried that upgrading to the
> latest+greatest disto will break my VMWare installation and > various other components that depend on interfacing with the > kernel. I'd love to move to Core 6 but I don't have enough > pain to live with having to hack the VMWare modules. With
> Core 7 around the corner, I suspect that my motivation to > hack will increase :)
I can't say that I disagree. Just after I wrote about the problem I did a yum update --- then spent the next hour rebuilding VMWare modules :(
Should have just stayed quiet and maybe the kernel gods wouldn't have been angry.
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