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Fwd: [Xen-users] Creation of additional image within a domU

To: "Xen Users" <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Fwd: [Xen-users] Creation of additional image within a domU
From: "john maclean" <jayeola@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 12:26:44 +0000
Delivery-date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 04:26:07 -0800
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Thanks for that speedy reply! Didn't expect any one to make sense of
my jumbled initial message.

-*- mode fingers_crossed -*-

On 24/02/07, Tim Post <tim.post@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
John, sorry I forgot to mention something to you. If you do slice up a
virtual block device into partitions, you will need to use one of the
quemu tools known as 'lomount' to mount them from dom-0.

You should probably get familiar with it before putting anything serious
on the drive.

I have also never attempted to fsck a sliced lv or file backed vbd image
from dom-0, I'm not quite sure how you would go about doing that if


On Sat, 2007-02-24 at 11:46 +0000, john maclean wrote:
> Chaps,
> Perhaps this question is a little basic for this list but I'm not
> really sure of the simplest method or best tool for the job.
> I've created some images with `dd=/dev/zero ....` and I'm using them
> for the domUs now. Some of them have been running for a few months
> with no probs. Trouble is that I'd like to create a separate partition
> within the domU. Options:-
> 1 - use fdisk? Not sure if that's possible for a file-based image.
> Can't run it within the domU
> 2 - run dd to create another partiton? Not sure how that would work
> 3 - create the new image from scratch and create the new partition as
> required and tell /etc/fstab about it.

John Maclean  - 07739 171 531

John Maclean  - 07739 171 531

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