Re: [Xen-users] Unable to boot guest
On 2/19/07, Brad King <brad@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All,
I have just installed xen on fedora core 5. I used yum to install xen and
kernel-xen0 (and their dependancies)
I can reboot into the new domain0 without issue. When I try and configure a new
domain using xenguest-install.py it gets to the point of wanting to install,
and then fails.
I and some colleagues realized that this script is not always as
reliable as one could wish.
In many cases, it produces usable results, in some not.
You could try to use a newer version, as the one in FC5 is quite a bit
more beta than the one in FC6, I think.
you might get better help on fedora-xen mailing list for these things.
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