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Re: [Xen-users] Cannot setup domU as router between Inet, LAN and farm o

To: "Matthias Wolf" <matthias.wolf@xxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Cannot setup domU as router between Inet, LAN and farm of virtual servers
From: "Jerry Amundson" <jamundso@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 20:27:05 -0600
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On 2/15/07, Matthias Wolf <matthias.wolf@xxxxxx> wrote:
What I want to do is:

Hide the 2 PCI-interfaces from dom0 (no problem), use them in a domU (no
problem), and add a virtual interface which should be enslaved to the
bridge which connects all domUs.
"Hide", by definition, does not allow the  "virtual" - the dom0 can't
make virtual what it can't see....

When I don't set up any bridge-stuff (network-script network-bridge) and
(vif-script vif-bridge) I receive a domU which acts as router between
Internet and LAN (dom0 is invisible in that configuration, and itself
can't reach the Internet)

Can anyone give me a hint, how I have to adapt the scripts as to receive
that router?
First you should redesign the network configuration, maybe including a
"dummy" virt-interface (dom0/domU's only), or maybe one nic hidden,
one bridge, but using iptables within the router-domU for net smarts,
or a like variation...


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