Re: [Xen-users] xen bridged network config woes [repost w/apology]
6:42pm Ali Roze said:
> -The server is at a colo facility, and I have no physical access to it,
> just ssh.
> -I have the IP addresses A.B.94.226 through 94.230. The gateway is at
> 94.225.
You've done a fine job of obfuscating your colo/isp identity.
> root@dom0:~# brctl showmacs xenbr0
> port no mac addr is local? ageing timer
> 1 00:14:85:f7:ea:67 no 0.00
> 2 00:19:56:5a:e9:d5 no 1.03
> 2 00:60:3e:0b:9c:48 no 0.00
> 1 fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff yes 0.00
Two Cisco devices on the outside. Hrmm...I wonder if your colo/isp is
running port security and only allows you one MAC for your one server? If
so, you'll have to route or NAT.
Have you tried contacting your upstream provider?
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