Re: [Xen-users] Which OS is *most* supported for host os?
So -- There's no, "Xen won't work on SomeCheezyDistro at all" nonsense
. . there might be gotcha's, but it'll pretty much work, with some
possible hacking, on any distro?
That works for me!
Marduk wrote:
On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 09:18 -0500, David Frascone wrote:
I'm about to re-install linux onto my 64bit xeon machine. Which distro
would have the best chance of having things work out-of-the-box, as a
xen host?
I'm usually a Suse & Ubuntu fan . . .
If you mean commercial support then it would probably be SLES as, AFAIK,
it's the only commercially supported distro that ships with Xen (with
RHEL shipping in the near future).
If you mean hardware support (i.e. with your particular hardware) then I
have no idea, you'd have to check the distro's HCLs. But if you really
want to be 100% absolutely sure that your hardware will be supported
then I'd go for a roll-your-own kinda distro like Gentoo.
And then my third answer would be if you know SUSE or Ubuntu pretty well
then you probably wouldn't have too much trouble getting Xen to work
with them even if they don't work out-of-the-box.
David Frascone
Useless Invention: Camcorder with braile-encoded buttons.
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