Re: [Xen-users] Logging into DomU problems with /dev/*
On 20 Jan 2007 at 11:22, Kevin Blackwell wrote:
> OK,
> I'm pretty sure I have DomU installed correctly. The only problem I
> have is that I can't login.
> I'm installing SuSE into the DomU with dirinstall.
> I believe the problem is the /dev directory.
> I have /dev/console /dev/null, but mostly it's empty.
> How should I go about populating the /dev directory.
> Basicilly when I run
> xen create -c /directory/for/xen/config
> it takes me to a login prompt, but if I hit enter it just brings me
> back to a prompt that just says
> (none)# login:
actually, don't you see a complete boot process of you Linux VM? that "login:"
the login prompt of your VM. What do you expect? "-c" says you want the VM
console, and you get it. I you know no other idea of how to get ot of the
log in to the Dom0, locate the console process and kill it.
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