Re: [Xen-users] SuSE and Xen 10.x
On 12 Jan 2007 at 20:02, Kevin Blackwell wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Let me first say I have attempted to install Xen on openSuSE and Novell
> SuSE. in both instances, I have been unable to get dom0 to get on the
> network.
> I've been through every install and have confirmed that everything is set up
> correctly. I get the eth0, peth0, and some Vif interfaces.
> As a side note, the server is getting a nat'd address on the internal
> network. If I boot into the regular kernel, network works fine. Reboot into
> the Xen kernel, nothing.
> I would love to hear from anyone that has gotten SuSE to work with Xen.
Have you seen http://www.novell.com/documentation/vmserver/ ?
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