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[Xen-users] Re: Research -> do participate.....

To: tim.post@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Re: Research -> do participate.....
From: Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:59:49 -0500
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Tim Post wrote:
On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 07:39 -0800, anant wrote:
I dont understand what you are trying to say here.
I thought he was pretty clear ... 

My simple question was is it possible to have windows XP on top of XEN or
Yes, it is if your hardware permits it. Did you bother to read the Xen

If it is possible then i want to know who  have successfully
implemented it and how.
Lots of people who read the Wiki, as the how-to's on the wiki detail ...

These are two different things. So if you have really implemented it then i would be pleased to know how you achieved that install .
Read the wiki .. , www.xensource.com is a great place to start .. 

If not then that documentation is probably right
which says its release is due in coming year by march.
I think you've illustrated a problem and I'm not quite sure what can be
done about it. Many people are putting up tutorials, documentation on
their own personal wikis which gets into search engines, sometimes on
top of XenSource depending on the SEO efforts of the webmaster.

Then, they never bother to update the information, some of it is not
even dated. People go to Google, find this information and get instantly

You'll find this list is very helpful and open / friendly to anyone who
has at least *tried* something and shows obvious signs of reading the
Xen wiki. Indications of this would be :

"I tried to install Windows as a HVM guest as outlined in this howto
(link..) , but its failing because of this error (log snippet), did I
follow an old tutorial or something? Where did I go wrong?"

... is good.

"Does windows run on top of Xen?"

... not good.
Sounds perfectly good. He is asking if it really can be done, not 
(currently) for how to do it.
And if he's running FC6, I would say that there are many HOWTOs, all of 
which end in a dead hung virtual machine at start of install. So the 
answer would be "not unless you build your own kernel and xen utils."

bill davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  CTO TMR Associates, Inc
  Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979

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