I'm running xen 3.0.3 on a slack 11 box myself too and had the same problem.
I noticed that the output of the ip command was indeed different from a
box my girlfriend had running with opensuse on it. (obviously it worked
for her).
I change the command to get the vifnum into this:
vifnum=${vifnum:-$(ip route list | awk '/^default / { print $5 }' | sed
I ran into another problem in that script however, so maybe this will save
you the same issue:
The script tries to save the default gateway and restore it later, but
because of different output a test fails.
($gateway becomes more than just 1 word in slackware.)
I changed this line:
[ ${gateway} ] && ip route add default via ${gateway}
[ ! -z "${gateway}" ] && ip route add default via ${gateway}
Hope it helps :)
Op Do, 28 december, 2006 08:54, schreef pete hilton:
> Hi there,
> I have got xen 3.0.3 (built from source download from
> xensource) running on my linux box (Slackware 11 distribution).
> When the network-bridge script runs, it first of all issues "ip route
> list"
> and then parses the "default" line to pick up the last word.
> The ip command in my distribution gives the following:-
> default via dev eth0 metric 1
> which naturally results in a vifnum of 1 instead of 0.
> Is this a bug in the script or is my "ip" command different from the norm?
> cheers
> pete
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