RE: [Xen-users] Research -> do participate.....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of anant
> Sent: 21 December 2006 15:07
> To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Xen-users] Research -> do participate.....
> Hi all,
> This is simple research on the present situation of having
> windows OS on top
> of XEN.
> I have got to know that RedHat or SuSE etc doesnt support
> Windows as a guest
> OS even if its fully virtualized.
> But documentation over the net says that there are many
> people who have
> successfully installed Windows OS on top of XEN, having LINUX
> as a host OS(i
> am not sure about which linux version).
> So if you have got any information, even if you have not
> implement it, do
> comment and those who have successfully installed it then do
> share it like
> on which Host system it worked and all .
I have myself installed on a couple of different Fedora Core versions (4
i686 and 4-pre-x86_64), using mainly the at time of installation current
version of Xen-unstable (of course, there are several updates per day on
this, so the exact version is hard to determine).
All and any of:
Pre-production AMD Athlon64 Dual Core (several different CPU's)
Production Athlon64 FX-62.
Pre-production[1] Opteron 2216 dual core, dual socket (4 cores in
Configurations used:
Xen-32p [pae]
OS installation.
Windows 2003 Server, 32-bit version.
Windows XP from pre-installed image (produced by one of my collegues).
[1] These are essentially the same as the current production silicon,
but they are marked as "Engineering sample" as the production silicon
was not available when I got those. There are no functional differences
when it comes to the ability to run HVM.
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