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Re: [Xen-users] missing /dev/pts and /dev/shm on domU

To: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] missing /dev/pts and /dev/shm on domU
From: "Abel Martín" <abel.martin.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 12:29:57 +0100
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On 9/21/06, Sven Sternberger <sven.sternberger@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I set up an Xen-3.0.2-3 on an Ubuntu 6.06 as dom0.
Then I installed a paravirtualized Scientific Linux 3 linux
(RHEL3/centos3 clone) as domU. I replaced the modutils.

The systems boot and I can login on console. But I can't login
via ssh, because the /dev directory seems to be
replaced by a udev process in the initrd.

In detail the folder /dev/pts and /dev/shm are missing and /dev/null
get the wrong permissions. If I create the folder and set the
permission by hand it works for the session, but after reboot
the files are vanished and the /dev/null device got the wrong permission

On the domU I don't see a running udev.

Where is the place to configure these things? Should I try to
install udev on the domU (this seems to be complicated)?

best regards!



might be late, but I successfully installed udev in a Debian Sarge
domU. Before installing the udev package do:
# mkdir /dev/pts
# mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts

You may see some errors about a symbolic link that could not be
created, but don't worry, install udev and then umount and remove the
/dev/pts directory. This error is related to the post-inst script of
the package.


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