Re: [Xen-users] 64 or 32 bit dom0?
On Mon, Dec 18 '06 at 10:38, Alexander Thiem wrote:
> I'm sure this was asked before, but after poking around in the search
> results I didn't found a real answer to my quesiton.
I'm sure it was.
> I'm going to install Xen on a Core 2 Duo.
> I think I'll make the domU 32-bit for now as it's a desktop system and I
> 'm not sure whether I want to take the burdens of having another chroot
> or anything else just to have some non-compatible apps running.
For paravirtualisation the kernel must be the same as the hypervisor.
This is true for both Dom0 and DomU. So with a 64bit hypvervisor you can
and must run a 64bit kernel. The userspace can still be 32bit.
With full virtualisation the DomU kernel could be 32bit, while Dom0 and
hypervisor are 64bit. Running a 64bit DomU on a 32bit hypervisor is not
possible, not even with full virtualisation.
I'm running 8 DomU on a 64bit hypervisor, all but on 64bit. The 32bit
still has the problem of leaking memmory, so i've to reboot it every 1
or 2 weeks, depending on how much i use it. It's a build system and when
it's idle all the 512MB of ram will be "committed" after 6 weeks. Than no
more big tasks are spawned, shutdown (via virtual-C-A-D) still works.
This might come from the Xen3.0.2 I'm still using, or some traces of TLS
support still left in some static binary ... I don't know.
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