Re: [Xen-users] Success story
On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 15:03 +0100, shal@xxxxxxx wrote:
> hello,
> just for a success story :
> After bad experience on fedeora core 6, I have tested a OpenSuse 10.2beta2.
> I have installed with success a Windows XP SP2.
> The hardware:
> A intel DQ965gf
> Intel Core 2 Duo 6700
> USB DVD reader
> IDE disk (PATA)
> Set AHCI mode in BIOS and add all-generic-ide in boot option.
> The opensuse 10.2beta2 does not well configured the xen kernel, you should do
> a
> mkinitrd and write the good grub entry manualy.
> But after, all works very fine.
> Olivier
I would like to know the version of Xen jis in Suse 10.2 and what
computer you installed it in, ie. brand name. I have been trying on Dell
D820 laptop Core 2 Duo 7600 without success with both Suse 10.1 and
Fedora FC6 both 64-bit and 32-bit with no success, that is, installing
WinXP as guest operating system.
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