Re: [Xen-users] Xen/HVM on Intel 965 Chipset, Asus P5B-VM BIOS
Am Montag, den 13.11.2006, 07:19 +0900 schrieb Shawn:
> > I just found another cheap board for Core2duo, the ASUS P5B-VM with
> > intels G965 chipset (ICH8, GMA X3000). Any HVM success story?
> If you get it working nils or anyone, please do mention it. I've been
> looking at that board too.
> If there is an option for vt in the bios, can we assume it is supported.
I asked on the ASUS forum, too, and some friendly human replied that he
found "Vanderpool: enabled" on the CPU-page of his P5B-VM BIOS (he uses
a conroe CPU). However, that option is greyed out and cannot be changed
to "disabled" - what that mean? Is VT enabled and usable or would the
BIOS enable VT but mistakenly it believes there is no VT-aware CPU?
Is there a test program for Win32 which checks, if the VMX-instructions
are actually available?
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