Re: [Xen-users] Xendomains
> I would like to have my Xen domains to start up automatically upon
> system startup. However, it seems there is a bug in RHEL/Fedora
> (running RHEL4.4 here) which causes the following error..
it shouldn't prevent your domains from starting up - it just
produces ugly output. And yes, other than Michael suggested the
error also is present during bootup.
But: yeah, it's really ugly and I posted a patch with a detailed
explanation of the problem months ago, see
(patch attached again to this mail)
> report. However, I tried to merge the attachment into my xendomains
> script by hand
The patch should cleanly apply to all versions of the script since
at least 3.0.2... go to your xen diretory and run:
patch -p1 < /wherever/init.d-xendomains.patch
and it will patch the file in tools/examples/init.d/xendomains
> Can anyone comment on what I should do?
The main part is to get the test for redhat before the test for LSB,
as redhat uses a technically correct but anyway bad implementation of LSB
using aliases. I don't understand why they don't change this. The
very quick and dirty way for you is to disable the test for LSB by changing
test -e /lib/lsb/init-functions
to something broken like
test -e /lib/lsb/notthere
in the script, so the bad LSB definitions are not used.
My patch of course does this in a cleaner way, but if you have problems
applying it this should work for you until it's fixed upstream.
For the future: I'd really like this patch to be included in future
xen releases, the proposed change shouldn't have any negative
effects as far as I can see. Should I somehow submit it to the mercurial
or who would do that?
And yes, opening a RedHat Bug to have them change their LSB implementation
also is a good idea, but technically LSB allows the usage of
aliases for this so if they want to, they can define it as not a bug.
So why not just make the xendomains script more robust?
(:ul8er, r@y
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