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Re: [Xen-users] Question about Intel VT on PowerEdge

To: "Solli Honorio" <shonorio@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Question about Intel VT on PowerEdge
From: "Eric-Olivier Lamey" <eolamey@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 01:31:38 +0100
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On 11/8/06, Solli Honorio <shonorio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, I'm runing a Fedora Core 6 on a Power Edge with Xeon Cranford that I
planning to running Windows as a guest S.O. and reading "Fedora Xen
Quickstar FC6" as document to install Xen on this server.

This document recomend a "grep vmx /proc/cpuinfo" test to verify if computer
is Intel VT supported. Running this command I don't find any information
about vmx.

My question is : Without this flag I can't run Windows as guest on this
server ?
 I don"t know if this Xeon model is VT capable, but if it is you
should check if it is enabled in the BIOS. On the last PowerEdge 1950
we received, VT was not enabled by default (the option in in the CPU
section, but I can't remember the exact name).

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