Re: [Xen-users] converting ntfs > xen image ? viable?
On Monday 06 November 2006 12:35, Lutrin Jean wrote:
> >> im wondering if i can 'convert' and existing
> >> physical windows partition to a xen image
> >> like this:
> >>
> >> - mount the existing ntfs fs
> >> - use dd to make a correct sized foo.img file
> >> - loop back mount foo.img
> >> - ntfs format (as bootable?) foo.img
> >> - 'cp -r ' the files from the mounted ntfs to the
> mounted
> >> and formated foo.img
> >> - use the disk=['file:...foo.img' etc] clause
> >> to use it in xen
> >
> > Why not just mount the partition to the domU?
> > Xen does not need image files.
> > disk=['phy:....']
> >
> > And if you want a copy, dd from the existing ntfs >
> >
> > > partition to a new
> >
> > partition or file.
> > No need to mount, format or cp -r....
> But then it's not convenient to backup/duplicate/
> archive/make a "template" system/etc.?
> For example, how can I do to backup a 20 GB Windows
> partition out of which only 1.5 GB is used?
> I'm looking infos on this too.
> I've made various test... I tried to mount a
> disk image file then tar/gzip the content.
> I managed to have a stock XP (non-SP2) install
> backuped up in a 350 MB file (for 850 MB used on
> the disk or so).
> But I only managed to uncompress this archive
> back to the exact same disk image file (first
> I deleted all the files inside the partition,
> then uncompressed...).
> I tried to create another disk image file (using
> qemu-img create -f raw ...), then mounting the
> partition inside that disk image, then untarring/
> uncompressing, but it was not working.
> Basically I'd like to find a way to backup
> efficiently and reliably Windows XP filesystem,
> being able to resize partition etc.
> But it doesn't seem that easy.
> I could try to run a DOS Ghost
> from Xen and backup the Windows partition using
> Ghost. But I don't know if this would work
> (I really should try that real soon now that said).
> (but even if working it wouldn't be as convenient
> as being able to backup efficiently Windows from
> Linux).
> At this point I backup whole XP system using
> "qemu-img convert" (to compressed qcow format).
> The "compressed" image file appears to have a size
> corresponding to the used space on the Windows
> drive.
> So well at least now I can easily backup/duplicate
> Windows systems... Though I've got a C: drive that
> always must have the same size.
> Oh well, if anyone has any infos :)
I have to confess - Im not trying for efficiency for me - I expect that for
storage purposes- gzipping the partition will save me space, but if not, i'll
live with that. At end of day, If I can re-establish and identical system
time after time, i'll be happy
good luck in your quest though Lutrin
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