Fwd: [Xen-users] xen and virtual networking.
Thanks for that speedy reply. That'd be a nice thing to try on a
*wireless* network which is where I'm coming from. Loads of open nets
out here. In the office or server room I'd just run
/etc/init.d/network restart or ifup <interface> within dom0 and all of
the domUs.
Iv'e read somewhere that bridging is not best for wireless devices.
Could you send me the config files or post them to the list? I'd
appreciate that!
On 24/10/06, Theo Cabrerizo Diem <diem@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello John,
That was one of my ideas ... I don't have the mobility option but I
tought about using my domU's as less "intrusive" as possible :D
So the idea came :
- have two briges (eth-br and xen-br)
- interfaces on eth-br: peth0, vif0.0
- interfaces on xen-br: vif0.1
- ips of Dom0 : eth0 ( - external ip), eth1 (
*note that the second interface on dom0 is provided by xen. I don't have
2 cards
Dom0 eth0 works flawlessly since it goes through eth-br and reaches my
By default, once I start a domU, it add's a vifX.0 to the xen-br bridge,
so uses Dom0 as default gateway (which does the masquerading/routing),
so if you change networks, you simply resconfigure dom0 eth0 and
everything is done :D the DomU's doesn't need to know anything about
external networks.
domU's have 192.168.1.X ips and use as default gateway.
If someone in my work network needs access to one of my virtual
machines, I attach a vifX.1 (the second interface on domU) to the eth-br
bridge and do a 'ifup eth1' on domU (whichs fires dhclient on eth1, but
doesn't change the gateway, it stays using eth0 to reach the gateway).
If you change external networks, you don't loose any connection between
domU's and/or dom0 ... only 'external' connections.
Why two bridges and not simple iptables nat stuff ? because (for
validation pruposes, this setup is much closer from the real machines
than port mangling/nat'ing)
I can post my config files and more information if that interests
you ... but I have one little problem with this setup : the masquerading
stuff isn't working properly in dom0 (as I posted before on this list,
but no answer came from xen network gurus ;) - subject 'One more NAT
problem (not tranversing POSTROUTING)' )
Theo Diem
On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 19:29 +0100, john maclean wrote:
> Chaps,
> I'm running Xen on a laptop and transferring the images over to a box
> somewhere. The thing about being on a laptop is that networks are very
> intermittent. Moving from office to server room to home... Would be
> nice to be able to have a virtualised network with my many domUs.
> Then I came across this thing:- http://mln.sourceforge.net/
> Anyone tried it? Recommend? How far can I take bridging? Can I
> simulate a net without being actually physically connected to one?
> </networking noob/>
John Maclean - 07739 171 531
John Maclean - 07739 171 531
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