Re: [Xen-users] Q: swap and where?
Hi Ulrich,
> I had the initial idea that it would be more space economic if I'd add a
> large
> swap space to Dom0 and do not assign individual DomUs any swap. However I
> had in
> mind that XNE would also give virtual memory to DomUs as RAM (virtually).
> It seems
> that Dom0 can only give out physical RAM as virtual RAM for DomUs. Is that
> correct?
In Xen, you can only prorate things, which are physically there. You can't
overcommit anything. If you want to do so, you've to use Virtuozo or its
free counterpart. In Xen, every DomU has to do its own swapping, so that
it could not thwart other DomUs.
> I'm thinking about being space efficient.
The Xen answer: Hard drive space is cheap in these days.
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