Re: [Xen-users] CoW works on Windows guest?
Thank you. It works fine. Now I have a new problem:
> cowd -p --sync=a dscow windowsbase /xenimages/windowsbase.dscow Failed to load libcowd_--sync=a.so: libcowd_--sync=a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Loading --sync=a failed: (null) Failed to initialize plugin: --sync=a
I have "libcowd_null.a libcowd_qcow.la libcowd_dscow.a libcowd_null.la libcowd_qcow.so libcowd_dscow.la libcowd_null.so libcowd_qcow.so.0 libcowd_dscow.so libcowd_null.so.0 libcowd_qcow.so.0.0.0 libcowd_dscow.so.0 libcowd_null.so.0.0.0" in /usr/local/lib.
Do I have to set path somewhere? Thank you.
On 9/29/06, Dan Smith <danms@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
OS> Please let me know when you finish fixing it. Hope it'll be done OS> soon. I'm really this thing to work. Thank you.
Ok, I pushed a fix out to the development repo. See if that fixes it for you. I verified that creating the dscow is fixed, so I think it should be ok. If not, let me know.
-- Dan Smith IBM Linux Technology Center
Open Hypervisor Team email: danms@xxxxxxxxxx
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