Re: [Xen-users] Unable to create HVM domain on x86 SMP
Hi Old Skywhale!
Thank you for your reply. I'm very happy.
Please refer to my enviroments in the attached file.
I tried this test in both RHEL4u2 and RHEL4u4.
I used same distribution for domO and domU.
(When RHEL4u2 is used for domO, domU is RHEL4u2 too.)
I specified SMP in /etc/grub.conf of HVM domain
and tried "xm create -c [configfile]".
But nothing proceeded after displaying the following
Using config file "vm1.full.conf".
Started domain vm1
I think the process was stopped because I had no response
from the domain by using ssh few minutes later.
Both distributions had same results.
I think the kenerl was unable to loaded.
Can you give me any advises?
Watanabe, Takehiko
>On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 20:41 +0900, Watanabe Takehiko wrote:
>> Sorry!
>> I just sent the following message.
>> But I forgot an important thing.
>> > I'm getting problem in creating HVM domain on our x86 system.
>> > I want to contact someone who succeed in it on x86.
>> > I need your help!
>> I tried it in SMP enviroment.
>> I need the help of someone who can succeed in creating HVM domain
>> on x86 SMP.
>I have HVM SMP running.
>Drop me a line.
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