Re: [Xen-users] How to enable pciback.hide in standard xen 3.0.2 kernels
On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 11:39 +0200, Wolfgang Schleicher wrote:
WS> I tried to manage some pci devices for dom(u) domains, using
WS> the fedora core 5 (xen0/u) and 6-test2 (xen) i686 kernel-xen
WS> and kernel-xen-devel rpms:
WS>> "kernel: Unknown boot option `pciback.hide=(00:08.0)': ignoring"
You have the pci backend driver as a module, so you will need to load
this into the Dom0 kernel before you start your DomU.
# modprobe pciback hide=(00:08.0)
should work, or you can add
pciback hide=(00:08.0)
to /etc/modules to load it automatically at boot.
You may find that another driver in the Dom0 has already attached to the
device before pciback loads, in which case you will need to unload it or
uninstall/sabotage/blacklist the driver in question.
WS> Please, can anyone provide a detailed "rebuilding kernel-xen"
WS> tutorial, regarding the relevant xen options for the pci
WS> backend/pci frontend settings?
The README file in the Xen source distribution has info on how to do
this, and the Makefile there is very intelligent. It is however
targeted at installing the built kernel on the local host or wrapping up
a Xen dist tarball. Both Xen and other people distribute RPMs, though,
so there must be rpm scripts in existence; have a look for the SRPMs
matching the package you already have.
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