Re: [Xen-users] Unmodified Linux. Installation hangs.
It's really easy.
1. Go to http://jailtime.org and download an image you want to use.
For example centos:centos.4-3.20060325.img.tgz
2. Download it, gunzip and untar it then.
3. It has 3 files: centos.4-3.img, centos.4-3.xen, centos.swap (root,
config, swap)
4. Edit centos.4-3.xen. Replace pathes in the disk = line with the
real pathes to your files, add vif = [ '' ]
5. xm create -c centos.4-3.xen
6. Enjoy
Let me know if you have any problems
On 6/13/06, Demetri Mouratis <dmourati.xen.users@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 6/8/06, Serge Dubrouski <sergeyfd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have 2 kinds of CentOS 4.3 running under XEN under Different Dom0s
> (CentOS 4.3 and Mandriva 2006):
> 1. Paravirtualization. I used an image from http://jailtime.org/ and
> then shaped it with yum to my needs.
Could you provide more details on 1 above? I have Xen installed and
working on my Dom0 running FC5, and several domUs also running FC5.
I'd like to add paravirtualized CentOS 4.3 domUs. I fooled around
with jailtime.org but didn't get very far.
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