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Re: [Xen-users] Bridge vs. Route configuration?

To: "Eric Windisch" <lists@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Bridge vs. Route configuration?
From: NAHieu <nahieu@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 00:25:01 +0900
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I got few explains on the pros and cons of bridge and route
method.Thank you for all the helps.

So generally I understand that on of the major differences between
these approaches is that Bridge method works at layer 2, while Route
method works at layer 3 (OSI).

Another question is: if I want to make a firewall to protect DomUs, then:
- Any tools readily vailable for Bridge config?
- Any tools readily available for Route config?

Any pointer to documentation/example would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

On 6/10/06, Eric Windisch <lists@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In Xen, by default the domains are configured to use bridge (with
> network-bridge script). But there is network-route, and this option
> also allows us to connect domains.
> But I don't see what is the advantage of Route config over Bridge. In
> which case we should use Route method instead?

Bridging is perfectly fine in many cases, but when you have untrusted
DomU, routing can be preferable.

Routing establishes a healthy level of distrust to your network stack.

- Do trust dom01 to not assign itself IPs assigned to dom02 ?
- Do I want a firewall between dom01 and dom02 ?
- Do I want dom01's web access sent to a transparent proxy, but not
dom02's web access?

These are questions that can be solved by routing.   Finally, I should
note that  bridges aren't completely lost in terms of security, ebtables
is far from useless, but it isn't as flexible as routing.

Eric Windisch

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