RE: [Xen-users] Install Other OS under DOMU
Thanks for you answers.
But " should be " is difficult for me.
Since 5 days i testing the solution and is not very easy. I don t find the
Documentation to create the domU with fedora 3 or 4 or 2 and my test not
When i boot in my domU, i have :
Fedora Core release 3
kernel xen.2.6.16-xen on an i686
and in my file for start the domU i don t have ***-xenU
If anybody can help me
-----Message d'origine-----
De : henning.sprang@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:henning.sprang@xxxxxxxxx] De la part
de Henning Sprang
Envoyé : mercredi 31 mai 2006 15:23
À : eric.marty1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc : xen-users
Objet : Re: [Xen-users] Install Other OS under DOMU
On 5/29/06, eric.marty1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <eric.marty1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> Anbody has already installed one version fedora 3 or 2 under DomU ?
> I have dom0 kernel xen vesion 3 under fedora core 4 and i would like
install other version on domU.
Should not be a problem, you only have to create a basic fedora system
and start it with the xen kernel.
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