RE: [Xen-users] xen3.0 about username and password at bo otingof DomainU
You need to copy the passwd and shadow files into the /etc
directory on the root filesystem of your domU, which I'm guessing is not the
directory /opt/xen
Only YOU (or the System administrator on the system) will
know what user names and passwords are valid on YOUR system.
Hello, all.
I installed xen-3.0 on Fedora Core 4.
When I executed the command 'xm create -c /opt/xen/fc.cfg',
the DoaminU was booting.
The booting process of DomainU then stoped at "login: " ,so it needed
user name and it's password .
But I don't know what I should input .
I copied /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/securetty
into /opt/xen/etc/ , but it failed still.
Could you help me ? Thank you .
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