Re: [Xen-users] lustre clustre file system and xen 3
Luster is built for large super clusters, (compute clusters) Its
built to be fast (over a few gigs/s throughput) but sucks for small
files. We will be evaluating luster/pvfs2/gpfs for our compute
clusters (about 800 nodes) im not sure how luster does failure when
a storage node dies, if you find out let me know. But with luster
you would have to store system images as files not devices. Others
can chime in but in most the xen docs ive read file backed VM's were
not the preferred.
A database cluster file system like ocfs or somthing else would prob
work better for reliability.
On May 18, 2006, at 2:25 PM, Karsten Nielsen wrote:
Mayby I frased my question wrong. I have read a lot on the mailing
list about pros and cons of different ways to make the file backend
avalible to multiple physical servers.
But it seems that there are no real good answer to that question as
fare as I have read. There are pros and cons to every solution.
What I was looking for is a file backend that performs very well
and is relayable.
If I want to use ocfs2 I cannot resize the file system. (http://
If I want to use GFS it's performence is not that great (http://
TesteGFSGraficoRaid10_ext3vsgfs and http://
guialivre.governoeletronico.gov.br/mediawiki/index.php/TestesGFS )
Mayby I am making this to complicated and should not worry about
the lock system of clustre file systems what I am looking for is
realy performance and relyability.
Any hints ?
And why do you think that Lustre is at bad idea ?
Christopher G. Stach II wrote:
Karsten Nielsen wrote:
How will you make the LVM2 or raw partitions avalible to the
servers ? - i have 2 physical application servers and 1 file backend
server. That means that i have 3 servers.
How would you make a file backend available to multiple physical
servers? That's a rhetorical question, but to answer yours,
probably NBD.
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