Re: [Xen-users] usage of cpu_weight
afaik the weight parameter works as follows:
if you have three domains, all with a period of 100ms set with
the following weights:
Dom0 period: 100ms weight: 4
Dom1 period: 100ms weight: 3
Dom2 period: 100ms weight: 3
The slice will be 40% of 100ms for Dom0 and 30% of the period 100ms
for Dom1 and Dom2.
Well, not exactly, in my experience there will be always a last resort
of 5% left (for Dom0?).
Anybody who can correct me?
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 14:09:32 +0200
Goran <xamiw@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello, can somebody explain me the usage of cpu_weight? I've only
> found some some examples like "cpu_weight=2" or "cpu_weight=5". But
> what does that mean exactly? The explanation of cpu_weight which I
> get wit "xm create --help" is not very helpfull to me.
> Thanks
> Goran
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