Re: [Xen-users] hardware accelerated 3D-graphics in Win-XP-domU possible
On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, Mark Williamson wrote:
> Further in the future:
> * Jacob Gorm Hansen has written a paravirtualised 3d driver called "blink"
> that may allow this (nb. currently for Linux / Unix guests)
> * You might be able to give Linux guests access to a separate PCI graphics
> card using the PCI assignment stuff
> If you want Windows games, I guess you could use Wine / Cedega .... ? Of
> course if you did that, you might as well run in dom0 or on native Linux!
Unfortunately every time I purchase a new game it's not supported by
Cedega. Half of the games are supported after a year.
> Further developments include efforts by some companies to develop a
> virtualisation-aware 3d graphics card that'll support multiple virtual
> machines, and the IOMMU work mentioned. It'd also be possible to emulate a
> full 3d card to the Windows guest, but it's not clear that'd be worth the
> effort.
If necessary I would dedicate a graphics card exclusive for the Win-domU.
But the IOMMU work is still necessary.
I had thought a Win-XP virtual graphics-driver could forward the domU
direct-x3d calls to a dom0 wine-proxy. This proxy would use the
accelerated hardware. Ignorance about problems in this field leads to
interesting thoughts ;-).
> Sorry there's not a better answer right now :-/
Xen is a great solution of many other (server not desktop) problems for
me, so I'm reluctant to complain :-).
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