Re: [Xen-users] /dev/pts errors under xen
Adam Carheden wrote:
I'm using Xen as a development enviornment for Gentoo AMD64 cluster. I
have a master node and two slave nodes, all DOMU. All are using the
same kernel, but when I try to log on to the slave nodes via SSH, the
client hangs and the server reports
Jan 4 17:14:17 64node02-test sshd[10238]: Accepted publickey for root
from port 48333 ssh2
Jan 4 17:14:19 64node02-test sshd[10238]: error: openpty: No such
file or directory
Jan 4 17:14:19 64node02-test sshd[10238]: error: session_pty_req:
session 0 alloc failed
Jan 4 17:14:19 64node02-test sshd(pam_unix)[11264]: session opened
for user root by (uid=0)
I can log on successfully via a xen console or using ssh
`64node01-test bash -i`, so the problem is with the slave nodes
allocating /dev/pts/X.
- The actual cluster (non-xen) works fine.
- I've tried openssh 3.9_p1-r2 and 4.2_p1 (both Gentoo) with the same results
- The slaves and master are using the same xen kernel.
- The problems happens both with my xenU kernel and my xen0 kernel.
- The master and slaves are (in theory) identical except that the
slaves boot from an nfs share on the master (i.e. I use 'root =
"root=/dev/nfs ro"' as opposed to disk = [ nfs:...] in my xen config
- Both the master and slaves report devpts in mount:
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
Any one have any hints for me?
Adam Carheden
Xen-users mailing list
I was going to suggest that your kernel is not set up right for pts, but
then I read you do have devpts mount properly. Here is my kernel config
anyway for Filesystems->Pseudo Filesystems:
[ ] /dev file system support (OBSOLETE)
[*] /dev/pts Extended Attributes
[*] /dev/pts Security Labels
Gentoo switched from devfs to udev not too long ago and it tripped up a
lot of people, myself included.
As a datapoint for you, my gentoo AMD64 xen installation does not have
these pty problems.
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